Curriculum Vitae: Course of Life

Education & Training

Formal Education

  • Western Washington University, BA from Fairhaven Interdisciplinary College major in Creative and Cultural Communication, Minor in Spanish. Studied oral history interview, performance, creative writing, and social justice.

  • Adventure Learning Grant from Fairhaven College to study traditional and social justice arts in Bolivia for one year. Interviewed and apprenticed with political street theater groups, a Carnaval dance troupe, and traditional weavers.

Arts Training

  • Bread & Puppet Theater - Glover, VT: Apprenticeship collaborating with international artists to devise and perform political theater productions. Learned techniques in large-scale puppet production, mask making/performing, and shadow puppetry.

  • Echo Theater Company - Portland, OR: 10+ years training in acrobatics, aerial dance, and movement theater. DanceAbility Teacher Intensive on teaching accessible dance and movement.

  • Living Stages Theater of the Oppressed - Portland, OR: Intensive on Theater of the Oppressed techniques culminating in an interactive community performance.

  • Teatro Linea de Sombra - Portland, OR: Selected by Boom Arts to learn from Teatro Línea de Sombra (Mexico City) about their research-based performance creation methodology.

  • Teatr Figur Kraków - Portland, OR: Shadow puppetry intensive with touring Polish theater company.

  • Wonderheads Theatre - Portland, OR: Stealing the Mask workshop about puppetry and mask manipulation.

Arts & Performance Experience

Social Practice Arts

  • Handmade Stories Live - Portland, OR: Lead Artist devising a performance with shadow puppetry, spoken word, and live music based on recorded interviews about hand stories. Funded by the Regional Arts & Culture Council.

  • Handmade Stories - Portland, OR: Lead Artist and creator of a public art project that used interviews, drawings, and creative writing to invite the community to share stories about their hands. Funded by the Awesome Portland Foundation.

Public Art Commissions

  • Donor wall for University Health Women’s & Children’s Hospital - San Antonio, TX: Designed 63’ donor wall for entrance of hospital in collaboration with hospital foundation and design team.

  • University Health Women’s & Children’s Hospital - San Antonio, TX: Designed art for two floors of hospital building - two 150ft corridors, eight patient rooms, and one family waiting area.

  • Springwater Environmental Sciences School - Oregon City, OR: Two mural projects (2021 and 2023). Based on students’ drawings, designed outdoor mural and facilitated student painting of mural.

  • Tierra del Sol Restaurant - Portland, OR: Designed and painted murals for Oaxacan restaurant.

  • Penn State Children’s Heart Clinic - Harrisburg, PA: Designed artwork for all 14 exam rooms in clinic.

  • Site Painters Production Assistant - Portland, OR: Assisted with production and painting for murals at Mulino Headstart Center, Heritage Elementary School, Tabor Commons, Tigard Transit Center, and TriMet Barbur Blvd Transit Center.

Performances & mask/puppetry production

  • Orfeo in Underland with Renegade Opera - Portland, OR: Designed 12’x 30’ paper maché puppet and directed performers to puppet manipulation.

  • She is Fierce with Enso Theatre Ensemble - Portland, OR: Designed shadow puppets for the play.

  • Truth Project at Fertile Ground Festival - Portland, OR: Co-directed and performed in bilingual shadow puppetry piece at Echo Theater.

  • Bellingham Storytellers Guild - Bellingham, WA: Storyteller at monthly folk tale performance.

  • Fairhaven College Theater - Bellingham, WA: Devised and performed in multi-media plays based on interviews with community members.

  • La Cambalacha Theater - Guatemala: Devised and performed in bilingual poetry and dance presentations.

  • ¡Ay Caramba! Puppet Theater - Portland: Performed in bilingual shadow puppetry shows in public libraries.

Facilitation & Teaching Experience

Arts Instruction & Workshops

  • Arts for Learning Northwest - Portland, OR: Selected to be on roster of teaching artists available to provide arts workshops in Portland metro schools.

  • Viscerality: embodied connection in virtual space - Portland & virtually: Developed and facilitated workshop for Portland Area Theatre Alliance (PATA), Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA), and Oregon Program Evaluators Network (OPEN).

  • Spiritual & Theological Mutual Accompaniment conference - Mexico & virtually: Co-facilitated bilingual workshops for community organizers in visual art and movement communication.

  • Justicia con Corazón: restorative justice theater - Portland, OR: Facilitated Theater of the Oppressed workshops for immigrant parents seeking justice within the public school system.

  • Migrant Youth Leadership Conference - Bellingham, WA: Co-facilitated workshop for migrant youth about connecting to memories of home through painting.

  • Echo Theater School - Portland, OR: Taught classes in aerial dance, acrobatics, clowning, and movement theater for youth and families.

  • La Cambalacha Arts Center - Guatemala: Planned and lead classes in fine arts, trapeze, and movement theater for local children and teenagers.

  • Creative Arts & Theater Camp for Girls - Portland, OR: Organized and directed day camps for children focused on global cultures, fine arts, and collaborative theater creation.

Community Education

  • Betties360 - Portland ,OR: Co-Program Director facilitated support program for middle school girls and their families focused on outdoor adventure activities and creative/therapeutic expression.

  • Donate Life Northwest - Portland, OR: Community Engagement Coordinator provided Spanish-language outreach and education about organ donation. Developed and facilitated trainings for kidney patients.

  • Leaven Community Intercambio - Portland, OR: Volunteered facilitating language and cultural exchange gatherings for Spanish and English learners.

  • Heifer International Learning Ranch - Perryville, AR: Volunteered guiding tours and leading discussions about sustainable farming, globalization, and world hunger for school groups.

Language Instruction

  • Private Spanish classes - Portland, OR: Design curriculum and teach Spanish lessons for individuals and small-groups of all ages and levels.

  • Portland English Language Academy - Portland, OR: Taught English as a foreign language to adult international students.

  • Bellingham Public Schools Spanish Literacy Instruction - Bellingham, WA: Developed and taught lessons for elementary-aged heritage Spanish speakers to develop Spanish literacy

  • Whatcom Literacy Council - Bellingham, WA: Volunteered tutoring English Language Learners to improve their comfort and fluency with written and spoken English.