Commission Art

Let’s collaborate to bring your vision to life! I offer custom Murals & Public Art, Illustration, Masks & Puppetry, Portraits, Landscapes, and Abstract Art. This page is a launchpad to explore each of these areas in more depth and learn about how to commission the art you want. When you’re ready, you can start the consultation process by filling out the form below.


Murals & Public Art

Public art deepens the purpose of a place in a way that is accessible to everyone. I create art for businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, and private residencies.

How it works


Portraits capture the essence of an individual or group and are a beautiful way to celebrate and honor important moments and people. I do portraits in-person or from photos.

How it works

Custom Illustration

Visual illustration brings vitality and clarity to text, oral recordings, and conference & workshop material. It can also enhance performance arts projects.

How it works


Commissioned landscapes allow you to carry a special place with you or give a beautiful personalized gift. I can create landscapes on-site or based on photos.

How it works

Puppetry & Masks

Puppetry and masks conjure magic and power in live performances, celebrations, protests, and other events. I make paper mache masks and shadow puppets.

How it works

Custom Abstract

Abstract art is a language of form and color that can convey meaningful individual and collective experiences. These pieces allow for continued insight and inspiration.

How it works



Commission Work

Fill out this form so we can get started.



Murals & Public Art - FAQ

What kind of public art do you do and where?

  • Locations: I create work for restaurants, healthcare facilities, schools, community centers, and private homes.

  • Murals: I paint murals with acrylic paint directly on-site or on wood panels to be installed.

  • Hand-cut stencils: I design and cut stencils which are applied on-site with acrylic paint.

  • Reproduced designs: Using water color, water pastel, and collage techniques I create pieces that are scanned and printed on Tyvek wall coverings and aluminum panels.

How do places benefit from public art? 

The work I make directly enhances the purpose of the place whether that is a festive dining experience or a sense of calm and healing in a healthcare facility. Custom art makes a place special and visitors feel that they are having a unique and meaningful experience.

What is your consultation, proposal, and contract process? 

  • Consultation: Initially, I tour the site (or images and videos of the site) and we talk about your vision for the art. Throughout the entire project I will be in communication about the designs and product, ensuring that the end result exceeds your expectations.

  • Proposal: I write description of the custom art and a cost estimate.

  • Contract: After refining the proposal together, I provide a contract detailing the work I will do and the exact cost.

  • Payment schedule: I ask for 25% of the total fee to begin the design work, 40% at the start of production, and the remaining 35% upon completion of the project.

What is the design, production, and installation process like? 

  • Design: I design work based on your vision, the architecture of the space, research about the subject of the project, and my own artistic style. Based on your feedback, I refine my initial design until you approve a color version of the design.

  • Production and installation:
    I transfer an outline of the design to the wall or panel as a guide to paint the mural. For wood panels, you will be responsible for providing an installer.
    Stencils: With a razor blade, I cut the transferred image in the stencil board. I then use the cut stencil and stencil brushes to apply the design to the desired surface with acrylic paint.
    Reproduced designs: I use watercolor, water pastel, and collage from hand-painted papers to create pieces that can be scanned by a third-party high quality scanner and then transferred to Tyvek (a plastic-based paper material) or sheets of aluminum. You will be responsible for providing a qualified installer.

How do you determine the cost of a project?

The cost of a project includes design time, consultation, production, and materials. The design and production time are influenced by the level of detail and size of the final work. Reproduced designs include cost of scanning and reproduction.



Custom Illustration - FAQ

What do you illustrate? 

  • Written words: Poems, essays, and stories come to life with visual interpretation.

  • Spoken words: Podcasts, oral history projects, and qualitative research reports convey deeper meaning with handmade illustration.

  • Conference and workshops: Graphic novel-style illustrations condense and share information for present and future participants.

  • Performance arts: Promotional posters, album and singles covers, music videos, play scripts, and performance programs are enriched by evocative visuals.

What are your illustration styles and mediums? 

I have a range of illustration styles from playful to emotionally evocative. Rich colors and a strong sense of movement are central to my illustrations. I use a combination of India ink (dip pen and brush), water color paint, and aquarelle water pastel. 

What is your consultation, proposal, and contract process?

  • Consultation: We have an initial consultation to talk about your project and ideas for illustration. Throughout the entire project I will be in communication about the designs and final illustrations to make sure that the illustrations illuminate your vision.

  • Proposal: I write a description of the illustration project and a cost estimate.

  • Contract: After refining the proposal together, I provide a contract detailing the work I will do and the exact cost.

  • Payment schedule: I ask for 50% of the total fee to begin the work and the other 50% upon completion of the project.

What is your illustration process like? 

  • Design: In our initial consultation, we discuss different style and medium options, content, and the placement of illustrations within your project. I create initial design drafts for you to approve before making the final color version. Depending on the project, I use in-person studies, photos, and/or diverse source materials to inspire the final illustration. 

  • Production: My illustrations are handmade and then scanned for digital placement within your project. 

How do you determine the cost of the project?

The cost is based on the number of illustrations and level of detail as well as the labor involved in formatting the illustrations to your project.



Puppetry & Masks - FAQ

What kinds of masks and puppets do you make and where are they used? 

  • Masks & puppets: Small to large scale paper mache masks and puppets to be used in live performances, street theater, protests, and celebrations.

  • Shadow puppetry: Hand-cut shadow puppets for live performances, videos, and atmospheric decoration for events.

What is your consultation, proposal, and contract process?

  • Consultation: We talk about your performance or event and your vision for the use of masks and/or puppets. Throughout the entire project, I will be in communication about the designs and final product.

  • Proposal: I create a proposal with a description of the masks or puppets to be created and a cost estimate.

  • Contract: after refining the proposal together, I provide a contract detailing the work I will do and the exact cost.

  • Payment schedule: I ask for 50% of the total fee to begin the work and the other 50% upon completion of the project.

What is your mask and puppet making process like?

  • Design: Based on our consultation and my research of the performance or event, I create drawn designs of the masks and/or puppets.

  • Production: I use these designs for reference when I sculpt clay molds for paper Mache or make shadow puppets with stiff paper and razor. The paper Mache pieces are painted with layers of colorful acrylic and often attached to a larger armature which is covered with fabric or other material.

  • Performance collaboration: Masks, puppets, and shadow puppets all come to life with the movement and energy of performers so the finishing touches are made in collaboration with the performance team. I also give instruction in the use of masks and puppets for the performers.

How do you determine the cost of the project?

The cost includes research and design for masks/puppets, continued consultation, production, materials, and work with performers. 



Portraits - FAQ

Why commission a portrait? 

Portraits capture the essence of an individual or group at a particular moment in time. They are a wonderful way to celebrate a birth, a graduation, a marriage, gathering of friends and family or time of transition. Portraits can also be a meaningful and healing way to honor a loved one who is no longer on earth. 

How do you make portraits? 

I love to draw portraits in-person because of the opportunity to connect and get a sense for the unique energy of the subject. I can also make portraits based on photos. I do portraits in graphite, colored pencil, charcoal, and water-based pastel in a variety of sizes. In-person portraits take 1-2 hours and portraits based on photos can be completed within one week. 

How do you deliver the portrait? 

Portraits done in-person are available on the spot while portraits based on photos can be shipped within the US for the cost of shipping and a small handling fee.

How do you determine the cost of a portrait? 

The cost of a portrait is based on the size, style (black & white or color), and number of subjects.



Landscapes - FAQ

Why commission a landscape? 

Landscapes evoke a deep sense of belonging, adventure, and connection. Drawn or painted landscapes convey the particular energy and spirit of the places we hold dear. Commissioned landscapes allow you to carry a special place with you or give a beautiful personalized gift.  

How do you make a landscape?

I draw landscapes with graphite, colored pencil, or water-based pastel on paper. I also paint landscapes with acrylic paint on hard wood panels. Depending on location, I can draw or paint the landscape on-site or based on photos. The entire process takes 1-3 weeks. 

How do you determine the cost of a landscape? 

The cost of a landscape is based on the size, medium (drawn vs. painted), and complexity of the landscape, and whether is was made through on-site trips or from photos. 

How do you deliver the landscape? 

Commissioned landscapes can be shipped within the US for the cost of shipping and a small handling fee.



Custom Abstract Art - FAQ

Why commission abstract art? 

“Abstract” art is a language of form and color that can convey emotion, somatic sensation, spirituality, and collective experience. Often times this “language” is more universal and evocative than words or representational images. You can commission me to put form to a personal insight, a meaningful individual or collective experience, a favorite song, or a burning question. These pieces are a way to hold onto and continue delving into elusive but important experiences. 

How do you make abstract pieces? 

First, I interview you (in a relaxed, conversational style) about the experience that you want conveyed through the piece. Using that information, I create a piece with charcoal, water-based pastel, water color, or India ink. You can specify the size of the piece and type of medium you would like. The entire process takes 1-3 weeks.

How do you determine the cost of an abstract piece? 

The cost of an abstract piece is based on size and complexity and includes the interview session in preparation for the artwork. 

How do you deliver the piece? 

Commissioned abstract pieces can be shipped within the US for the cost of shipping and a small handling fee.